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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 30, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PST

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highly toxic. bridge collapse sent those train cars into the creek below. people there have evacuated. no reports of injuries. stay with cnn for updates. time for one 20-second end point. abby huntsman it's all yours. >> the only weirder thing than bringing your dad to work was is bringing him on air with you. he might have lost the presidential race but he's so honest, talks about the issues that so many people want to hear about. it was an honor having him on the show today. >> it was great having him. it was great having all three of you guys, russell simmons, abby huntsman, jon lizza. we will send now things to deb feyerick, who is in for carol costello in "newsroom." >> good morning. we're waiting to see the winners of the $587 million powerball. this surveillance video may hold a clue about one of them. plus -- >> starting to take over. >> the movie has made killer
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robots famous. with the rise of machines on the horizon, could deadly robots soon be flying over our skies? and new york police officer getting praise after his random act of kindness to a homeless man on the street. >> he looked me right in the face and his smile just went from ear to ear. >> three little words that had this cop rushing out to buy this homeless man a pair of boots. and -- >> thank you. >> that's right, the invoice president in a shopping mood as he flashes his membership card inside costco's newest warehouse store. "newsroom" starts right now. good morning, everyone. i'm deborah feyerick in for carol costello. thanks for joining me. we begin in washington where those hopes for compromise may
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be on the back burner as democrats and republicans dig in and ramp up the rhetoric on the fiscal cliff. house speaker john boehner and senate majority leader harry reid trading jabs before the cameras on capitol hill. >> going over the fiscal cliff is serious business. and i'm here seriously trying to resolve it. and i would hope the white house would get serious as well. >> speaker boehner made very clear at his press conference that he thinks the ball is in your court and the president's court. he says democrats have got to get series about spending cuts. where is the disconnect? >> i don't understand his brain so you should ask him. okay? >> reid making those comments to our own kate bolduan. i'm joined by dan lothian. dan, we're learning more about the white house plan to deal with the fiscal cliff. break it down for us. >> reporter: right. this is the plan that secretary -- treasury secretary timothy geithner took up to capitol hill yesterday. it calls for $1.6 trillion in
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tax increases over a ten-year period more than republicans had anticipated. in addition to that, $400 billion in spending cuts that will come later. much of that not really specified. we're looking at entitlements such as medicare. and then the plan also includes $50 billion in stimulus spending. democrats see this really as sort of the opening salvo in these negotiations. early on in this process, both sides appear to show some level of optimism that this would get done. in the last few days and certainly yesterday it just seems like both sides are so far apart, it's not unusual for us to see this kind of posturing and other negotiations, tough negotiations over the last four years or so. you'll see things build up whether it appears that it's going to get done. then they fall apart. in the end it does happen. the hope is that that would happen here as well. both sides seemingly far apart
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still. >> neither side, dan, wants to say anything that would potentiallyg suggest they're giving up any leverage. republican aides say the white house author is completely unbalanced and unrealistic, citing the $1.6 trillion in tax hikes. yet the tax rates being proposed are less than they were during the clinton era. where do we go from here? >> reporter: where we go from here is the president hits the road trying to gain momentum behind his plan. he heads to pennsylvania. he will be touring a manufacturing plant there and also making remarks. again, the bottom line is the white house sees very little wiggle room when it comes to those upper income americans paying more. the president believing that those bush era tax cuts should be extended, but just for middle class americans. and so they're starting from that point in their negotiations, that there's nothing that can't get done here unless upper income americans pay more. >> so much more work still to be
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done. hopefully there's more going on behind the scenes. dan lothian, thank you so much. the army private accused of the largest leak of clsfied documents in u.s. history will face prosecutors today in his pretrial hearing. bradley manning's attorneys trying to get charges dismissed or reduced. his time in the military cap activity was harsh, so harsh he considered sow side. he was forced to sleep naked one night. manning was an army intelligence analyst in iraq. celebrations rocked the west bank late into the night after the u.n. voted to declare palestinian territories a nonmember observer state. the only other entity to hold that position is the vatican,
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giving plichs reason to cheer but it also came as a huge disappointment to the united states, which had staunchly oppose this had measure, a sentiment echoed by israel. the vote was 138 in favor and nine opposed. u.s. ambassador to the u.n. susan rice had very different reactions to the decision. >> translator: we came to a firm legitimacy of the state that must now achieve its independence and that is palestine. >> we have always been clear that only through direct negotiations between the parties can the palestinians and israelis achieve the peace that both deserve. >> palestinians view the u.n. vote as a big step toward eventual statehood. hours before the u.n. general assembly vote, u.n. put out a statement on its official twitter account. we all do that but theirs had a glaring typo.
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this says, quote, on day of solidarity with palestinians, ban ki moon stresses urgency of reaching a one-state solution. oops. it's actually a two-state solution. the mistake was acknowledged and corrected about half an hour later. state of same-sex marriage before supreme court. actor morgan freedom. >> now across our country, we are standing together for the right of gay and lesbian americans to marry the person they love. >> today the highest court might decide whether to take up the case about same-sex marriage and joe johns joins us now from washington. break it down for us. >> reporter: deborah, what we're waiting for today is whether the supreme court will even agree to hear a case on gay marriage. it's what the supreme court
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calls granting sertiary. the justices decide as a group whether the case is going to be heard. we don't know if that decision will come today. if the supreme court is anything right now, it's unpredictable. that said the eventual battle is likely to be over the 1996 law passed by congress called the defensive marriage act which allows only federal benefits for marriages twoen a man and a woman. a few lower courts have recently invalidated that law, saying guy couples deserve the same rights as everybody else. the question the justices could take up on this is whether it's okay for the federal government to try to regulate marriage, which throughout history generally has been regulated by the states. tricky calculation for the court on one hand. nine states in the district of columbia already allow same-sex marriage, including three that just voted in favor of it in the last election. we also know that 41 states have a legal definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. 30 states have constitutional
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amendments on it. so the question right now really is whether the country is ready for it, deborah. >> joe, really, it comes down to equal protection. and one of the reasons the supreme court is looking so closely at this is because you've got state laws that essentially are invalidating federal laws. and that's why it's gone to the highest court. >> there's a conflict. >> and if they do agree to take this, how long do you think it will take for them to make a decision that, yeah, they're going to go into it? >> likely we wouldn't actually get this case heard before the court before march. but you're absolutely right. when you have that conflict between the state laws and the federal laws, the supreme court will look at it and say maybe we need to do something about this. of course, this all started with a law passed by the congress. so there is reason to try to get some definition here. >> all right. it's going to be an interesting one to watch. swroe johns we will be checking in with you a little later on during our show.
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thanks so much. no doubt life will likely change for those holding the two winning tickets in this week's massive powerball jackpot. soon we may know who they are. one of the winners in arizona may actually have been in a maryland gas stations 2200 miles away from where he bought the ticket, okay? take a look at this man on surveillance video. he is wearing a neon yellow safety gear. checks his ticket, okay? looking at it now. looking at it now. showing t getting all excited. and he starts jumping around. take a listen. >> he says is this the right numbers? i looked at him and said yeah, that's the numbers, man. you got them all. >> completely amazing. >> came back a minute later and said i forgot to get my gas. what am i thinking? >> the ticket still does need to be verified. but the winning ticket sold in dearborn, missouri, has been confirmed.
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chances are the man may not be rurching to work tomorrow on saturday. probably another reason he is not show iing up. the guy may not be worried about the u.s. hitting the fiscal cliff. some owners may be watching negotiations on capitol hill. whether you're going to keep deducting your mortgage interest on your taxes. christine romans is in new york, following the story. christine, boy, the mortgage interest deduction is really part of what makes home ownership so appealing. >> absolutely. >> could that change everything? >> that guy is not going to need a mortgage. he will be paying cash. this will not apply to him. for the first time in a very long time, serious discussion about the mortgage interest deduction, how much it costs and whether it should be on the table. first of all, who gets it? 41 million americans get this mortgage issue deduction. the government is paying about $100 billion a year back to homeowners just for ownering their homes. so is that fair? some people are saying look this
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really mostly -- this mostly helps richer people, upper middle class. take a lock. if you make $250,000 a year on average you're getting back about $5,500 in mortgage interest. that adds to the deficit. somebody who makes more like $40,000 a year their tax savings is more like $91. it's a cherished middle class tax cut. some say it's more of a cherished upper middle class tax cut. the housing industry spending an awful lot of money lobbying to make sure this doesn't change. they say at a time when the housing market is just starting to recover, the last thing you want to do is take away that tax break. you would see home prices drop 15%. i've heard 20%. this is not the right time in a very fragile recovery for housing to start changing the tax advantage of home ownership. this is a fight that you're going to see play out and quite frankly there are people on the coasts and in those high-cost, high housing cost places as well
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nervously watching to see what happens with the mortgage deduction. mortgage rates still very, very low. can i show you yesterday's mortgage rates? 30-year fixed is 3.32%, deb. >> wow sthrks. >> 15-year fixed, popular refinancing tool, 2.64%. very low mortgage rates. >> it is so attractive to want to buy a home because interests are so low. but by taking away that deduction, what about those folks in the middle? how does it affect them? >> absolutely. the homeowners -- look, people who also take out home equity lines. you can write off the interest on your home equity lines up to $100,000. that also would be affected. you're talking about this right down the line. should the government be subsidizing home ownership basically when we're already
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spending more money than we're bringing in to such a large extent? you hear people, deb, talk about eliminating deductions and loopholes, this is a very expensive one that's right out there in the middle. unclear if both sides will be willing to take this one away. some folks in washington are telling me if the president can raise tax rates on the rich that maybe the mortgage interest deduction would be -- would stay. but if he can't raise rates on the rich you'll start to see some of these deductions either capped or go away. deb? >> it's so interesting. we've spoken about this before. so many folks bought a home because home ownership was the goal. with deductions potentially going away, maybe they'll be rethinking whether, in fact, that is a possibility. christine romans in new york. thank you very much. next generation of drones could carry bombs and need very little hands on control. what the government is doing to keep those drones from killing innocent people.
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so. the government is working now to ensure that human controls will be in place. here is chris lawrence. >> reporter: behind every hellfire missile there's an actual human being, someone back at base remotely pulling the trigger. but the pentagon is preparing for the day when robots are capable of killing on their own. >> machines are starting to take over. >> reporter: it conjures up images of the terminator. >> i need to make myself very clear. if we uplink now, sky net will be controlling your military. >> you'll be in control of sky net, right? >> the pentagon just issued its first directive on autonomous weapons, lethal weapons with no human control to minimize failures that could lead to unintended engagements. >> that's a sterile term for me, meaning harming innocence. killing the wrong target. >> pentagon's dave ochmanek admits these weapons are still 20, 30 years away.
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>> that technology doesn't exist yet. so why now? >> the thought was technology is dynamic. and we would like to get out ahead of it. >> just this week they tested drones. still howing the military to develop autonomous spy planes. >> as we begin to test the possibility of planes as spy targets we want to be careful not to cross that line without high-level policy review. >> reporter: human rights watch applauds the pentagon's move. >> we do not believe it solves the problem, however. >> reporter: the group is calling for governments to ban autonomous weapons outright. they point to syria. what robots could do in a
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conflict like that. >> because the weapons are emotionless, they could serve as a perfect tool for a dictator, who would not have to worry about the danger of a human soldier turning on him if fired -- if ordered to fire on his own civilians. a robot would not do that. >> and chris lawrence for us, with us at the pentagon right now. it's fascinating. what if something were to go haywire and all these killer robots were kind of meant to take over? what does the pentagon think about all this? >> they're concerned, you know. it's tough because the technology doesn't exist yet. your kind of forecasting what your concerns may be 20 years from now. what this directive does is say there's got to be some inherent fail safes built in. if something were to go wrong we have to minimize that damage and cut it off immediately. it's a message to the weapons
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developers out there not to build these systems because the pentagon is not going to buy them unless they fall into really strict parameters. >> it's fascinating. how would you even neutralize a robot that's gone craze sni it sounds a little bit ridiculous. but at the same time we've sat through enough movies, chris, to know it could happen. >> exactly, deb. you look at the navy testing, you know, that semi autonomous drone that for the first time could possibly launch and land on an aircraft carrier. that is one of the toughest skills for any human pilot to master. you can see with the grid of technology just how quickly this could get out from under the pentagon. i think it was an attempt to sort of get out ahead of it a little bit. >> interesting and probably wise in the long run, obviously, just to put your faith in human beings. working the joy stick as it would bea .
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as we saw in that picture. >> as bonnie brought up with syria, you think about this technology in the hands of dictators, without that human being to say, i'm not going to take that shot, you know, it just brings up a whole host of issues that we haven't had to grapple with yet. >> no question. minimizing loss of human life is critical. stick around with us for a minute. we're going to talk about the robot fish. this is a bioswimmer. unm unmanned underwater vehicle. mechanical fins and tail moves through water just like a real fish. what kind of missions could this bioswimmer go on? >> i don't know. some fishermen who might be pretty disappointed when they think they have prime great sushi and end up with that thing in their net. i was out at the arabian sea who are already using underwater
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drones to look for mines. they don't look anything like that. they look like big, hulking machines. hummingbird drone. this is sort of the next threshold of drone technology. getting things that mimic insects and animals that already exist in nature. the way birds flutter, fish move through the water and say those are natural ways to move through an environment and they don't stand out. that's really what you're seeing sort of the next level of these drones. >> almost clandestine drones. almost like men in black really. i watched a real life men in black with you, chris, it feels like. always a pleasure. >> yeah. and we have a short break. see you right after.
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new york city police officers often see homeless people. but one officer could not get the image of a shoeless man on a very bitter cold night out of his mind. so he decided to do something. here is mary snow. >> reporter: had it not been for a tourist from arizona who snapped this photo with her cell
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phone, officer lawrence deprimo's act of kindness, giving boots to a homeless man, may have gone unnoticed. tourist jennifer foster e-mailed the photo to the nypd, who posted it to their facebook page. tens of thousands of comments followed like this one. in time when our hearts are in despair and we are bombarded with bad news it is the human spirit and acts of kindness who really define who we are. god bless. >> are you surprised by all the attention? >> absolutely. i didn't know this was going to be such a big deal. >> the 25-year-old officer was on patrol in times square on a cold night two weeks ago when he saw the homeless man with bare feet. >> you could so the blisters were about the size of my hands. i didn't think anything of it. i went toward him, asked him if he wanted a pair of socks. he said no, but thank you and god bless you for asking. that, i found amazing. here, he doesn't even have a pair of socks to his name and he has the heart to say god bless
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me. it was just inspiring. >> officer deprimo went to this skechers to get the man boots. he had to run back outside to ask him his size. 12. he offered his employee discount to the officer. >> we realized this is a cop on the beat. he's just passing by. and it came naturally for us to try to want to help, make the best out of the situation. >> officer deprimo never found out the name of the man he helped but remembers his reaction. >> he looked me right in the face and a smile went from ear to ear. again he said god bless me and be safe. i couldn't believe it was coming out of his mouth. such a small gesture, he was so appreciative. >> the officer says he keeps the receipt in his bulletproof vest as a reminder of those less fortunate. >> with all this attention what dowel dow hope comes out of it? >> if it pushes someone go out and do another act of kindness,
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i'll sleep well tonight. >> makes you stop and think. good morning. i'm deb feyerick in for carol costello. stories we are watching right now for you in the "newsroom." train in new jersey is derailed after a bridge collapse. it was carrying toxic and flammable chemicals. residents in the entire community of paulsboro are being asked to stay inside and keep their windows closed while the coast guard works on cleaning up the scene. we'll bring you more information as soon as we have it. decriminalizing marijuana is paying off with fewer arrests for juveniles. number of people under age 18 arrested for marijuana possession is now at record lows. scientists say the ice covering greenland and antarctica is melting fast er than originally thought.
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five times faster than in the 1990s. all that melted ice has caused global sea levels to rise nearly half an inch in the past decade. cyber bullying is every parents' fear. amanda todd how deadly online bullying can be. cyber detective. >> i've got a problem that needs to be fixed. >> what is it? >> i am being bullied online. >> i'll take the case. >> alex teaches kids how to defend themselves against cyber bullying and safely navigate the internet. director of perry, this is the first time anyone is seeing this game. walk us through it. how does it work? >> the game teaches kids how to spot, avoid and address cyber
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bullying. they have to qualify as kids cyber detectives who help alex work out of the janitor's closet at the middle school learn how to help other kids being cyber bullied. 14-minute video where there's a bully in the machine and the kids have to join together to help fight it off and then they have to learn about who cyber bullies, how they cyber bully and what you can do about it to qualify for the cyber detective agen agency. >> teaching them how to ignore bullying, but that doesn't always work. what is this designed to do in terms of making sure they are prepared if it happens? >> well, parents are really good people who could use this game as well. i think if they go through it with their kids, they'll learn. we node to recognize that their kids are cyber bullied, no matter how we try to protect them. but in many cases they're the cyber buttal bully as well and your not looking your victim in
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the eyes to know when you have gone too far. stop, block and tell. you need to be trustworthy and not turn them off when the technology is supposed to be there. >> we showed earlier the video of that young girl who was so desperate, the canadian girl who ended up killing herself. there was a cry for help there. but you've got something called a five-minute rule. and that comes not only to people who are receiving the texts, the e-mails but those who are sending it as well. >> take five. i just came back from vancouver island. we asked kids to find what they love to do and do that for five minutes to calm down, not overreact, act in anger or retaliate. they're only going to get into more trouble. it's all about self control and
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knowing where you can go for help. >> parry aftab, interesting. i've had so much conversations with mothers who say the unfortunate thing is that there's no safe zone anymore. all our computers and device are bringing the outside world into our homes. that's a tricky thing to handle. parry aftab, download this game at a lot of good information. thank you. >> thank you, deb. hard to believe. yep, take a look, it's been 30 years since the release of thriller. we'll look at its impact on the music world. since ameriprise fil was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries.
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♪ jrks. >> i remember practicing that dance move. hard to believe michael jackson's "thriller" is more than a quarter century old. who does not love that video? hard to believe that mtv was reluctant to play it. went on to be voted the most influential pop music video of all time. and the album? we'll let karyn wynter count the grammys. >> 1982, prince william was just a baby, michael jackson released "thriller." still the best-selling album in the world. >> it didn't matter if you were asian, black, hispanic, white. we all knew "thriller." >> i lived in haiti for a short time when i was a young kid and
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used to take that boom box out and play it for some of the local kids. as soon as i pressed play, they would start doing back flips. >> it didn't matter if you had a huge punk collection, huge r & b collection or frank sinatra was your favorite singer. for some reason you owned "thriller." >> although videos like billee jean," they were reluctant to put his music into rotation. >> "beat it" and the president of epic records says, you don't get any other videos unless you play michael jackson. so it was sort of a smart threat at the time. they went and played it. of course, the response was staggering. >> michael jackson became the
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first african-american added to what was then an all-rock lineup on mtv. "thriller" broke new ground with a hybrid of pop, r & b and rock with a guitar solo on "beat it" with surprise guest eddie van halen. van halen says it started with a phone call from producer quincy jones. >> he says how would you like to come down and play on michael jackson's new record and i'm thinking to myself, okay. a, b, c ♪ one, two three and me. how is that going to? you know, how is that going to work? lo and behold when i got there, there's quincy, michael jackson, engineers and they're making records. >> his recording sessions lasted 30 minutes. afterwards, jackson came in for a listen. >> in my mind i'm saying he's either going to have his bodyguards kick me out for butchering his song or he's going to like it, you know. he give it a listen and he turned to me and went, wow,
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thank you so much for having the passion to not just come in and blaze a solo and to actually care about thsong. here is this musical giant with this child-like innocence. >> eddie says he did it as a favor for free and figured no one, including his van halen band mates would ever find out. >> wrong. ended up being record of the year. >> "thriller" went on to win seven grammys. more importantly, it was a cultural touchstone that tran sended age, ethnicity and music genre. >> the masterpiece, the pop classic. in many ways sort of defined the music of his later years. >> kareen wynter, los angeles. >> great song. getting from point a to point b, you want style and speed and might also want to save a little gas. two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf.
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december starts tomorrow. it's time to start thinking about 2013 and beyond. the fiscal cliff could change how we view things like health care, schools, transportation. rises gas prices have more of us looking at different ways to get around. the cars we'll soon see on the road will look a bit different. casey wyan is at the auto show. they're better built, get better fuel mileage. how do automakers cope and build on this success, given this fiscal cliff? >> reporter: you're right, deb, they've had a lot of success in car sales in the u.s. over the past year or so. double-digit sales increase. a really strong year. they're forecasting a slowdown in that rate of growth for next year. of course, if the fiscal cliff does come to be and the economy slows or dips back into recession, things will really slow down.
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what automakers are doing is continuing to push the sales of smaller cars, which is what the public wants, because tgas prics are rising. sales of these types of vehicles do real well in places like california where people drive long distances and where a lot of people are very concerned about the environment and want to drive hybrid or electric vehicles. so even though they haven't been so strong throughout the rest of the country, companies like general motors continue to push ahead with these vehicles. here is their newest introduction, which will be on the market in 2014. only available for sale in california and in oregon initially. this is the chevy spark. it is an all electric vehicle that will get somewhere south of 100 miles on a full charge. what's really cool about this vehicle is you'll be able to charge it up to 80% capacity in just 20 minutes.
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that is a challenge, though, getting the rest of america outside of places like california to buy these vehicles. listen to what gm had to say about that. >> the key now is to sell these vehicles in the same kind of quantity in st. louis and des moines, in the heartland of america, if you will. when you drive an electric car, we're not going to sell this thing on the environmental aspect aspects. these cars are fun to drive. >> reporter: and it's not just gm. their no north american competitor, ford, introducing a new version of the ford fusion. we've got pictures of that. we can show you that was named the 2012 l.a. auto show green car of the year. a lot of focus on hybrid, electric, green technology and continued demand for smaller cars, deb. >> no question about that. i think i picked out a couple to dream about in any event. casey wyan for us, thanks so much. san antonio spurs coach sends three star players home
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checking o ining our top st stop taking the generic form of lipitor if they were part of the recall. cholestero cholesterol-lowering drug was recalled three weeks ago after specks of glass were found in some of the bottles. former george h. w. bush was hospitalized nr bronchitis. he has a lingering cough, unquote, and has been hospitalized for six days. he is the oldest living former president. nasa says it has found large deposits of water ice on mercury, planet closest to the sun. some areas of mercury can reach 800 degrees fahrenheit. ouch. some areas are completely shielded from the sun allowing
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the ice to form. nasa plans to send its messenger spacecraft to that area for a closer look in the coming months. sleeker, how one honda executive describes the new look for the civic sedan on sale now. best-selling compact in the nation, getting its second redesign in just a year and a half. back in a moment. year and a half. back in a moment. urizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours.
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well, sports fans want to see the best players when they go to a game especially when ticket prices are so high, but the nba thinks fans in miami may not have gotten their money's worth last night. vince, we've got a coach deciding what is best for the team and a league deciding which is best for the game. which one is right? >> they're both right. let's set the scene. gregg popovich is playing four games in five nights the end of
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a six-game trip. he has older players and he likes to rest them, he's done it in the past and rested his star players. a nationally televised games against defending champions, he sent the hold older players back to rest and they weren't at the game and the commissioner david stern was not happy about it. he issued this statement right before tip. he said i apologize to all nba fans this was an unacceptable decision by the san antonio spurs and substantial sanctions will be forthcoming. substantial. >> see, that's surprising to me, because, look, sometimes when you go to the theater you've got an understudy, may be a little bit disappointed doesn't mean it takes away necessarily from the show. can you do that? it's the coach's choice, you know? >> there's no question. he can run his team as he pleases and that's where we have the rub here. because it's his team. he can balance his minutes. but the spurs don't play in a vacuum, they play within the nba, so what about the nba product? what about the ethical aspect of
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this? and the fact is commissioner stern may have a suspension or heavy fine for gregg popovich of the spurs. >> you use the word "product" i'm wondering if the word is "profit." >> that's true. >> the nfl falcons finally prevail over the new orleans saints 23-13. was this a statement game by atlanta? >> i think it was. they were at home on national television as well. they had a four-game losing streak against the saints and how they did it, they intercepted drew brees five times in this game. and they won another close one, 23-13. that's haw the falcons have been doing it this year. they're 11-1 and some of their fans are saying we're not impressed yet. you're not impressed with 11-1? this is a terrific falcon team and one that's going to be heard from in postseason, did a nice job last night. so, yes, i think it was a statement game. >> finally, we don't have college football play-offs yet but tomorrow is alabama/georgia s.e.c. championship is sort of semifinal game, isn't it? >> yes, it's a national semifinal, no question. notre dame is waiting for the
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winner of the georgia/alabama game, it takes place right down the road at the georgia dome in atlanta. two great defenses, two really solid quarterbacks in terms of passing efficiency, great running games from both. alabama's the heavy favorite, deb, in this game but for some reason i think aaron murray, the quarterback of georgia, will have some short passing, they'll be able to run a little bit. i like georgia in this game. i don't think the stage is going to be too big for them. they played in this game last year, the s.e.c. championship, and lost to lsu. i think it's a great chance for georgia to move forward. >> i'm going with what you say. >> do we have time for this last story? >> go, go! >> alabama, the only team to beat them this year is texas a&m's and his great player is johnny manziel, johnny football, this young man, christian chavez near austin wanted to pay tribute to his favorite player so he had the haircut done but he was sent home from school with johnny manziel carved into the back of his head, i am all
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for free expression but i find it disturbing. if i had to sit behind that kid all day in class, i would be horrif horrified. >> probably. probably. it's a graphic artist. >> anderson cooper right here on the back. >> i was thinking that, too, i was going to do a carol costello. all right. we have to leave. >> you can go to all the great news for you including for hoop fans you can read about the winners and losers for the nba's first month. thanks, deb. >> we'll do that. always a pleasure, thanks vince. >> thank you. all right. we've got lots more coming up. as vince said you can always check out that website. next hour of "cnn newsroom" begins after just a very quick break.
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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. the stories we're watching right now. closing guantanamo has been on president obama's agenda since he took office four years ago and it might finally become a reality, but where would all the prisoners go?
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possibly closer than you think. more than 7 million americans suffer from the nightmare of posttramatic stress disorder, but there's a surprising new treatment, one involving the drug known as ecstasy. so how could dating across party lines possibly work out? two winning tickets, almost $200 million new friends we'll soon learn who power ball's newest millionaires are. this surveillance video might find out who one winner might be. "newsroom" starts right now. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm deb feyerick in for carol costello. just in the big story that we're keeping an eye on for you this morning. a train in new jersey has derailed after a bridge collapsed in the community of paulsboro. the train was carrying some toxic and flammable chemicals. residents in the entire community of paulsboro are being asked to stay inside and keep
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their windows closed while the coast guard works on cleaning up the scene. we'll bring you lots more as soon as it comes in. also, just in, the president in pennsylvania today, and we're learning new information about what he's going to say. let's get to the white house and dan lothian. dan, what are you hearing? >> reporter: well, the president will be heading to montgomery county, pennsylvania, to a toy manufacturing company there, a company that the white house says depends on middle-class consumers and the message that we'll hear from the president is the one we've heard over the last few weeks, and certainly over the last year or so on the campaign trail, is that a middle-class america needs to have the relief from the bush era tax cuts extended, upper-income americans do not need that benefit. so, the president will continue pushing that. it's a nonstarter, the white house says. this deal cannot get done unless upper-income americans pay more. and so that will be the message from the president as he takes his campaign if you will on the road, deb. >> look, some on the republican
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side are calling the president's proposal unrealistic, but at least is he moving the ball just a little bit ahead of where it was yesterday maybe? >> reporter: well, they're certainly hoping that he will be able to move it forward. it does seem like both sides are far apart, as you pointed out. this is sort of the opening round in negotiations as timothy geithner took the plan up to the hill, $1.6 trillion in tax increases, something republicans were not expecting and saying is too much, $400 billion in spending cuts, something that they don't believe is enough, and then $50 billion in stimulus spending. again, you know, this is kind of the posture that we've seen over the last four years in tough negotiations between the white house and capitol hill, where at times it seems very optimistic that they can get a deal done. then it seems like sides are very far apart, but in the end, it does happen. before this sort of fiscal cliff scenario plays out. >> yeah, absolutely.
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and clearly neither side willing to give up any leverage before -- probably before they reach the eleventh hour. but president hour heading to pennsylvania today, he's taking his plan directly to voters. you know, earlier this week the white house encouraged americans to tweet about tax cuts. any sign the strategy's paying off? >> reporter: we haven't seen anything yet, but they do believe that that is a smart strategy. we saw that happen with payroll tax cuts before where they brought americans here to the white house who would be impacted by, you know, $40 less in their paycheck. they did it again this time, bringing middle-class americans here to the white house this week who say that they will be impacted to the tune of $2,200 more a year in taxes. so, they believe that going to the american people, using social media is an effective tool. so far we don't know how that's paid off for them. >> and clearly, a lot of americans wanting to see some sort of a deal so we can move
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ahead. all right, dan lothian, appreciate it. well, the other big story that we're watching for you, the army private accused of the biggest leak of classified documents in history is facing prosecutors today, as part of a pretrial hearing, bradley manning, his lawyer trying to get the charges against him dismissed or reduced. if convicted manning could get life in prison for allegedly stealing the documents while serving as an intelligence analyst in iraq. chris lawrence joins us from the pentagon. and, chris, manning has complained about his treatment. what is he claiming in his testimony so far? >> yeah, deb, at one point when talking about the first couple months he spent in a prison in kuwait, he said he felt like his life had constricted to the point of a cage. he said, i thought i was going to die in that cage. but he said at that point he did think about killing himself. this is the first time we have heard publicly from bradley manning. and he went on to talk about the conditions he was held in
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quantico, under a suicide watch for part of that time, in solitary confinement for about five months. he said basically that he would not see another person for 23 hours a day, that sometimes at night he would have to sleep naked, that one day after an officer heard that he might hurt himself, he was forced to stand naked. so, all of this contributing to what the defense is trying to put forward, which is look how harshly he's been treated. some of these charges should be dropped or at the very least he should be given some credit for time served. but, again, deb, right now we just heard from the manning side. prosecutors just got started about a couple minutes ago cross-examining him. >> it's interesting, i've covered a number of terrorism cases and that's one thing the lawyers always try to do they try to describe the conditions as being so awful that they want to try to do some sort of a deal, but is there any chance for a plea deal in this particular case? >> there is. because manning basically, his
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defense team, put forward an idea, you know, basically here's if i did plea, here's what i would like, here's what i would do. and the judge basically said that's okay. that's an authorized deal. now, manning hasn't submitted it yet, but it's some framework for a deal that would probably net him about 16 years in prison. it sounds like a lot, his crimes are very, very serious. he's facing life in prison. so, we'll just have to see what happens as the prosecutor, again, starts to cross-examine him this morning. and then the prosecution will start to call some of those jailers to the stand to describe why manning may have been kept in this manner. >> right. absolutely. and also prosecutors clearly, then, it would be easier for them to do this plea deal because other charges might be more difficult to prove. okay, chris lawrence for us at the pentagon. thanks so much. >> you're welcome. well, it might be the most well-known military prison. a lot of people want that detention facility at guantanamo
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bay, they want it closed, but what can you do with the prisoners who are there? a new report says u.s. prisons could handle them with changes. here's our brian todd. >> reporter: he sits in a cell some 500 miles from american shor shores, cal lead shake mohammed, accused mastermind of 9/11 could be closer to residing on the very soil he allegedly conspired to attack. a newly released gao report said military and federal civilian prisons inside the u.s. would need several operational changes if detainees were to be transferred from guantanamo bay, cuba, to the u.s. but to senator dianne feinstein the report shows that if the political will exists, we could finally close guantanamo without imperilling our national security. the report says there are about 2,000 state, federal and local prisons that could be suitable and six military facilities. >> certainly the most likely
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place the prisoners would be sent would be the maximum security military prison at ft. leavenworth, kansas, that is set up for maximum security. there have never been any escapes. that's the most likely. >> reporter: some civilian supermax facilities inside the u.s. already house well-known convicted terrorists, like khalid sheikh mohammed's nephew, 1993 world trade center bomber ramzi yousef, but senator feinstein is running into staunch opposition here on capitol hill where republicans passed a law banning the transfer of detainees from guantanamo onto u.s. soil. gop congressman frank wolf is chairman of a subcommittee dealing with funding for the justice department. >> what about someone like khalid sheikh mohammed, at a supermax locked away, isolated, very secure? >> but you would then give him all the constitutional advantages of being an american citizen. you would then have security provisions to bring him here. then to give him years and years of a show trial whereby he could
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do things and the 9/11 families think this is a very, very bad idea. >> reporter: among the changes at u.s. facilities that would need to take place to bring mohammed and other detainees to america according to the gao, the risk to the american public would have to be minimized, some potential military jails are on bases close to the public, identities of the personnel working with the prisoners would need to be kept secret. military prisoners by law would have to be kept separate from foreign nationals. >> it seems to me that the likely result is status quo. these people are here in guantanamo now and they'll be here in guantanamo four years later. >> reporter: jeffrey toobin says the obama team has already been burned over guantanamo repeatedly, after promising early on in the administration to close it down. and he doesn't think the president will burn any more political capital on this issue. brian todd, cnn, washington. well, celebrations reverberated across the west bank late into the night after the u.n. voted to declare
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palestinian territories a nonmember observer state. the only other entity to hold that position is the vatican. this historic victory gave the palestinians reason to celebrate, but it also came as a disappointment to the united states which has staunchly opposed this measure, a sentiment which is echoed by israel. the vote was 138 in favor, 9 opposed. 41 opposed -- 41 abstained, excuse me. mahmoud abbas and susan rice very different reactions to the decision. >> translator: we came to affirm the legitimacy of a state that must now achieve its defenders and that's clarified. >> we've always been clear that only through direct negotiations between the parties can the palestinians and israelis achieve the peace that both deserve. >> well, palestinians view the u.n. vote as a big step towards eventual statehood.
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in new york as much as a million dollars in wasted funds as the city recovers from superstorm sandy. "the wall street journal" reporting that scores of hotel rooms paid for with public money have been vacant for weeks. they were supposed to house residents displaced by the superstorm but those rooms are unoccupied. more than 1,000 people are still homeless a month after the storm hit the east coast. and the newark, new jersey, mayor, accepted a challenge to live on food stamps has a starting date. beginning this december, tuesday, mayor cory booker, will live on just food stamps for a week. he accepted the challenge earlier in the month from one of his twitter followers. an illegal drug may just hold a key to successfully treating posttramatic distress disorder. our dr. sanjay gupta has exclusive access. [ female announcer ] imagine skin so healthy, it never gets dry again.
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can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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social security are just numbers thinkin a budget.d... well, we worked hard for those benefits. we earned them. and if washington tries to cram decisions about the future... of these programs into a last minute budget deal... we'll all pay the price. aarp is fighting to protect seniors with responsible... solutions that strengthen medicare and... social security for generations to come. we can do better than a last minute deal... that would hurt all of us. aids is not going to take my baby. ♪ aids will not take our future.
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♪ our weapons are testing... education, care and support. ♪ and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ well, we are checking our top stories for you. protests in egypt today after the new controversial constitution criticizes the power grab by president mohammed morsi is approved. he's expected to sign the document saturday but not the end of the conflict. the egyptian constitution needs to be approved by citizens many
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of whom are still angry at the moressy government. nasa said it has found large deposits of ice on mercury. some areas of mercury can reach 800 degrees fahrenheit, some areas are completely shielded from the sun allowing the ice to form. nasa plans to send its messenger spacecraft to that area for a closer look in the coming months. groundbreaking therapy is under way to help patients who suffer from posttramatic stress disorder. what's revolutionary about the work is the use of an illegal drug commonly referred to as ecstasy, our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta has had exclusive access to the patients and their sessions. here's his report -- >> some part of you is on guard. it just wouldn't stop. i couldn't shut it down. >> reporter: for rachel hope, the mental agony began in childhood when she says she was abused and raped at age 4. as a grown-up, the smallest trigger, like a familiar smell even, would bring it all back.
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>> i would get very extreme stabbing sensations in my body, you know, and then, like, fixed vision -- visuals, like being, for instance, raped. >> reporter: mental breakdowns, four hospitalizations, and along the way rachel tried almost every treatment in the book. >> i tried ndr, rapid eye movement therapy, hypnosis, gestalt, yell it out, scream it out, nothing worked. >> reporter: and then she discovered an experiment, run by a psychiatrist in charleston, south carolina. >> this is the place where we do the study. this is where we meet with people and this is where we do the mdma sessions. >> reporter: intense psychotherapy, including eight-hour sessions after taking a capsule of mdma, of ecstasy. listen closely, you can hear rachel along with dr. midhoffer.
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>> i felt as if my whole brain was powered up like a christmas tree. all at once. voom! >> sometimes usually people did have some very positive affirming experiences, but a lot of the time it was revisiting the trauma, it was painful, difficult experience, but the mdma seemed to make it possible for them to do it effectively. >> reporter: within weeks, rachel says, about 90% of her symptoms were gone. >> i don't scream. i don't have flashbacks anymore. >> reporter: and in results just published, dr. midhoffer says 14 of 19 patients were dramatically better more than three years later. >> the question is, okay, was this just a flash in the pan? did people just feel good from taking a drug? so the answer to that turned out to be, no, it wasn't just a flash in the pan for most people. >> reporter: now, of course, 19 people is still just a tiny study. but it is getting attention. laurie sutton was the army's top psychiatrist until she retired in 2010. >> i've certainly reviewed it, and the results look promising.
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it's, like, with the rest of science, we'll apply the rigor, we'll follow where the data leaves. we'll leave our politics at the door. >> point out that none of this means that street ecstasy is safe, apart from being illegal, you don't know what you're getting. it's often contaminated. pure mdma can cause a higher body temperature, it can cause dehydration. there's also cases where people overcompensate and actually die from drinking too much water. but in a controlled setting, which is what we're talking about here, the evidence does seem to suggest that it can be safe. similar studies are under way in europe and canada and midhoffer is halfway through a study offering this treatment to combat veterans, firefighters and police officers. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> fascinating. possibly opening up the mind. well, you can watch more of sanjay's fascinating report on the ptsd study this morning, "dr. sanjay gup
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"dr. sanjay gupta" airs this weekend saturday and sunday mornings. with thousands loo s losing jobs, some twinkie execs will get bonuses. oh, let me guess --ou see this? more washington gridlock. no, it's worse -- look, our taxes are about to go up. not the taxes on our dividends though, right? that's a big part of our retirement. oh, no, it's dividends, too. the rate on our dividends would more than double. but we depend on our dividends to help pay our bills.
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we worked hard to save. well, the president and congress have got to work together to stop this dividend tax hike. before it's too late.
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well, move over cheetos, the new snack for the vending machine, ckavycavier, and you probably guessed it will take a little more than 75 cents to get this treat. prices range from $12, okay, possibly reasonable, to $500, a little less so. well, bankruptcy judge has officially given hostess the go ahead to pay out bonuses to its senior executive. the company is liquidating almost 20,000 people losing their jobs. the executives are getting bonuses. how does that -- i'm not good at math, but how does that work? >> it doesn't quite seem fair, does it? but that's exactly what one new york court has sort of ruled on and the bonuses range from about
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$7,500 to $130,000 and it's only for 19 of the top executives. a judge says that, you know, in these cases payouts are actually appropriate since an independent report found that the bonuses are well below market value for companies that are in similar circumstances. now, these execs, though, are those that are going to have to meet certain benchmarks in order to get their money, but also in doing that the judge says that they're going to have to do a lot of work because those positions are going to be part of what is going to be winding down the company. they serve, like, as an incentive, really, to keep people around as the company is being wound down, and that's what, you know, happens in these situations. hostess has 30 plants in 22 states, so this is a long process. it's not an easy thing to accomplish. the ceo gregory rayburn did rule out a bonus for himself, by the way, which doesn't always happen and, you know, there are other workers that aren't going to be left completely out in the cold. about 3,000 employees are also
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going to get some help winding down the company and they'll get extra, you know, money for, you know, a little bit of their work in addition to those salaries. but naturally, you know, obviously, there are thousands of workers out there that are going to lose their jobs and for them, it's no comfort whatsoever. you're right -- it's not fair on a lot of levels. >> yeah. a little bit of a slap in the face to all those people who will find themselves unemployed shortly. well, speaking of, we've heard that there are more than 100 buyers interested in scooping up hostess, does it look like the twinkie may live to see another day, possibly? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. this may not be the end of the twinkie or the snowball which i have never -- anyway, yeah, there are plenty of people out there. it's pretty unlikely that the twinkie and other popular brands will totally disappear. at least one banker has backed that up in court on thursday saying, like, as you mentioned, there are over 100 potential
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buyers out there -- >> mazing. >> -- that want hostess to stay around, bakeries, competitors, consumer food companies and all kind of different grocery chains and there's actually one banker representing hostess that said there are large investment banks that have already been consulted and they're hoping that a deal can be done as soon as january. >> that's right. >> so, don't give up hope. it's not just about caviar in that vending machine. >> it's the countermove to organic, overrate. so overrated. felicia taylor, thank you so much. >> no problem. 2 people are more than $200 million richer right now, they hold the winning tickets to this week's record power ball jackpot. sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!!
7:27 am
you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. trying to find a better job can likbe, so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you.
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and a good morning to all of you.
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thanks for joining us. i'm deborah feyerick in for carol costello. just in, 18 people are being treated for respiratory issues when a train in new jersey carrying toxic chemicals derailed when a bridge collapsed in the community of paulsboro. residents in the entire community of paulsboro are being asked to stay inside and keep their windows closed while the coast guard works on cleaning up the scene. we'll bring you lots more information as it comes in. well, after the united nations voted to declare palestinian territories a nonmember observer state, this historic victory gives palestinians reason to cheer, to celebrate. it also came as a bit of a disappointment to the united states and israel, which opposed the measure. well, the fda is advising concerned consumers to stop taking the generic form lipitor if their pills are part of a group that's been recalled. a pharmaceutical company recalled 41 lots of the cholesterol-lowering drug three
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weeks ago after specks of glass were found in some of the bottles. well, there's a lot of finger-pointing on capitol hill as the fiscal cliff looms now just 32 days away. house speaker john boehner says no progress has been made in two weeks of talks, and republicans want the white house to come up with significant spending cuts. senate democratic leader harry reid responded to boehner saying, quote, i don't understand his brain, unquote. when those talks over the fiscal cliff seem to be heading towards a stalemate but do the capitol hill theatrics tell the whole story? here's thousand politico summed it up, listen to top democrats and republicans talk on camera and it sounds like they could not be further apart. but behind the scenes top officials who have been involved in the talks for many months say the contours of the deal are starting to take shape. well, joining me are jason johnson a political professor, t and a republican strategist ron
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bonjene, ron, let's start with you, both sides know they'll have to make a deal. one congressman says to get it there has to look like this was fighting this way it's kind of like managing the public's expectati expectations, oh, we didn't give anything, oh, we didn't either. is this rhetoric all just for the show of it? >> part of it is and part of it isn't. part of it is, you know, both sides have to stake out their territory, in any negotiation, you know, you have to show what you want, most of what you want first and then you start really negotiating. so, you know, on the inside, yeah, you know, they're starting to work on more details of it, and each side is figuring out how far can they go. so, it's -- right now, you know, we're early. this is going to be a roller coaster, you know, we have a month left until we go over a fiscal cliff. that's a very short amount of time, but in congress that is ages. that is a very long time for them to negotiate and come up with a deal. >> and, jason, president obama
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is returning to a tactic that he's used in the past. he's taken the pitch on taxes directly to the american people in a trip to pennsylvania today. house speaker john boehner not so happy about it. let's listen for a minute -- >> listen, this is not a game. jobs are on the line. the american economy is on the line. and this is a moment for adult leadership. campaign-style rallies and one-sided leaks in the press are not the way to get things done here in washington. >> well, republicans are reportedly planning their own fiscal cliff pr campaign designed to show that the democrats are simply digging in, they're being stubborn, election is over, shouldn't both sides be focused on doing the job they were elected to do. how do you see it? >> look, you're going to have a bunch of rallying on both sides and some of this is theatrics. it's christmastime. you know how you tell your kids you have to be really good or santa's not going to give you
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what you want but you know you will buy them the new ps-3 anyway. that's what's going on. both sides realize it's political death for either side for us to go over this fiscal cliff, so barack obama's going to rally his side, republicans will rally their side. look, the obama administration has said they might cut up to $400 billion out of medicare. i think this is going to get done, but i think they'll wait until the last minute to make sure each side looks tough. >> what's fascinating to me very quickly, when i hear both sides of the argument and the sticking appointments where they're digging in, there's logic on both sides, but who are the dealmakers who are really pulling this together? because sometimes when i listen to some of the political folks, i'm not so sure they are the ones that are sort of moving all the pieces. very quickly, jason, ron, who do you think it is? >> i think the players on tv, you know, obviously the president's going to be part of it, speaker boehner will be part of it, but eric cantor, vice president biden, there are a number of -- senator mitch mcconnell, the minority leader,
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harry reid. these are the big players but, you know, there are also ones too, like senator chuck schumer. there are a number of big players here that will be involved. but do you know what, they can try to manage the negotiation but they're going to have to each handle their caucus. for one, republicans have to talk about how are they going to handle marginal rates. for the democrats they have to talk amongst themselves how will they handle entitlement reform. >> i think both sides will try to get there. jason, real quickly, we're running out of time, you better be good otherwise santa will not come and get you, if they don't do the right things a lot of americans will be pretty disappointed. jason, ron, thanks, we'd love to talk to you more, but we've got to run. >> thank you. >> thanks. who are powerball's newest millionaires, we're waiting and watching for the winners who are holding very profitable tickets to step forward. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese
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♪ [ male announcer ] while you're getting ready for the holidays, we're getting ready for you. tis the season. for food, for family, and now, something extra -- for you.
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well, what would you do if you just want to share the $587 million powerball drawing? how would you react? would you jump up like this guy in the neon yellow safety gear? this is surveillance video from suburban washington. customers say the unidentified man just checked his ticket when he says he won, oh, my god. that's kind of constrained i would be, like, doing cartwheels right now. our affiliate in washington has this story. >> reporter: marlboro village exxon employees like freddie lopez -- >> only from marlboro could it happen. >> reporter: and customers like paul gok -- >> good news. >> reporter: -- are still buzzing from the remarkable scene they witnessed inside these walls. surveillance cameras show a tall bald man donned in a neon yellow outfit walked slowly in in no particular rush, he digs deep into a pocket to pull out various lottery tickets.
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he checks to see if he won anything. seconds later he starts pumping his arms, he gives the ticket which he says he bought in arizona to the clerk who says the winning numbers were on the powerball ticket. >> give me that ticket. >> and then that's when he said i got to get out of here. and he took off. >> reporter: the apparent winner of one of the biggest jackpots of all-time quickly turns to a customer to verification and then to paul gosk who gets out his glasses for a better look. >> are these the numbers? yeah, that's the numbers. you got them all. >> reporter: the man that kept on shouting i won didn't stay long. you had the ticket in your hand? >> i should have run down the road, hadn't i? >> reporter: if this is one of the two mystery winners the man gets after splitting the cash option with a winner from missouri nearly $200 million. >> amazing. absolutely amazing. >> came back a minute later and said i forgot to get my gas. what am i thinking? >> reporter: we don't know the mystery man's name or where he lives. >> he said he lived in maryland, i'm pretty sure. >> reporter: or where he's
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heading on a full tank of gas, but you get the sense he may soon return to arizona. >> well, that was jay core from affiliate wjla in washington. as for the other winning ticket sold in missouri, in just a few hours lottery officials will hold a news conference where the winner is expected to be announced. vice president joe biden goes shopping and eating. the vice president visited costco, but he needed help with his shopping list. o, not a migr. try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the new 2013 ram 1500. ♪ with the best-in-class fuel economy.
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>> reporter: forget driving a sleigh, joe biden didn't even drive his own cart. a costco employee seem thrilled to do the honors. his consumer confidence was high as the vp flashed his costco card. joe biden had the press in tow. >> if you would keep walking backwards please, if you guys go to the bakery session, please. >> reporter: imagine shopping for a watch with the press watching from behind every counter as vice president biden called his daughter. >> getting some guidance. >> reporter: he looked at a $1,200 watch but we don't know if he bought any watches. we do know what he ate. every free sample in sight in the bakery section where he bought an apple pie. it's a dilemma if you want to shake hands or do uf want to eat. >> made locally by a local bakery. >> reporter: shook and eat, put a package of crackers in his cart. costco cost the vice president a lot of calories.
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>> you get fat just walking through this store. >> reporter: vice president biden came to promote extending middle-class tax cuts and it probably didn't hurt that the co-founder of costco is a big obama contributor. before he left, the vp used the phone of his cart driver, ivy stewart. to call her grandmother and leave a message. ivy was so moved by the whole experience, she wiped away tears. >> thanks for shopping with me. and i know you won't tell anybody what i bought for christmas yet. >> reporter: here's a hint from nat "king" cole's classic -- ♪ chestnut roasting >> reporter: the huffington held a caption contest for joe biden's checkout photo. our favorite, stopped by for some fire logs, went home with a flat screen tv. 32 inches. jeanne moos cnn -- ♪ -- new york.
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well, that just ruins the christmas surprise about that television, but looking for love? when the politics are against you. we're going past the party lines. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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russell simmons does it, lady gaga, jennifer aniston, they also do it. what am i talking about? yoga, in this "daily dose" we get tips on how to get started. >> you are brand-new to yoga, but you always wanted to try it, here's how you can begin. now, first, if you have the finances, you might want to splurge and give yourself a private yoga session. if you hire someone to come in privately and teach you, it's, like, hiring your own private golf pro. you're going to really get to know the forms correctly. now, if you don't have the finances, you can go to one of your local health clubs and try one of their beginner classes or their basic yoga classes. make sure you let the yoga teacher know that this is your first time and stand in the middle of the room so you can
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watch a few people in front of you but you're also not in the way back so you get totally lost in the shuffle. if you don't have the opportunity to go to a class, you can always start to go online. no matter how you begin, yoga is a wonderful practice for all levels, for all body types, and i hope you give it a try.
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the election is over. it's time to get on with the rest of our lives and that includes dating, right? smart, funny, she's charming, successful. so, what if he's a democrat and he's a republican? james carville and mary matalin, they make it work, so why can't anybody else? well, joining me to discuss the new era of bipartisan dating is
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barbie adler, president of selective search. is it possible to find love across party lines or is there no possibility of compromise? >> it really depends on how politically active you are. for some they will not cross the party line and for others you can agree to disagree but it really comes down to your core values and beliefs. for some you are preconditioned in terms of your belief system and it would be a deal breaker and there would be no way to consider going red or going blue. >> everybody says, well, opposites attract, but every now and then opposites gets on each other's nerves and drive each other apart, right? >> opposites attract for the short term but long-term compatibility the more you have in common with your mate the more chances that you'll have a long lasting, happy relationship and marriage. >> you are a very selective matchmaker. this past election was fierce. what kind of political requests were you seeing? were people actually saying, you
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know, single, female democrat looking for a republican male? >> well, people come to selective search because they're looking to find something very special. they're selective. so, we treat someone's political requests the same way we deal with any other search criteria, but it was a very fiery election. this year more than ever. so, what we do is make sure that we honor people's requests. we respect it. and we work the whole entire search around it and everything is customized and people come to us because they're looking to for -- to find the love of their life and not just a date. >> so, for example, how can it -- how can it work? i mean, what are the two things if you're going to set up a democrat with a republican or a republican with a democrat, you know, do you just avoid political conversations? >> sure. what i would recommend is first you have to listen to each other, communicate and have respect. and ask questions. i disagree with avoiding it. i think sometimes some people have more in common than they realize and if you don't, then
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it's more important to talk about it before you're investing time into the relationship, but also have a sense of humor. sometimes stimulating conversation is a key to a happy marriage, so and that could also lead into the bedroom and romance and make it fun and talk about it, or agree that you're not going to talk about it all the time. the and other thing if you have nothing else to fight about it could be the one thing and that's what really works for mary and james in their relationship is they don't really have any other thing to fight about, that's their one thing and they are also having fun being at odds with each other, that's something -- >> publicly they don't have any other thing to fight about. in terms of, look, if a democrat marries a republican, i mean, what you're looking there with james carville and mary matalin, those are two people that canceled out one another's votes when election time came. >> absolutely, absolutely. i think what's most important -- >> yeah. >> -- is really having a sense of humor about it if you are already married to someone and just like anything else, communicating and listening and, again, agreeing to disagree.
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but if you can if you're not married is really making sure that you understand what's important to you and honoring that so that you could really have a long lasting relationship. >> and also bottom line, it's respecting the other's person -- the other person's opinion. all right, barbie adler, thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us today. >> thanks for having me. learning does not have to take place in a classroom. more students are studying online and that's creating a learning revolution. [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat.
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fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. the national retail federation predicts about 600,000 people will pick up new shifts this holiday season, but holding on to those jobs after the holidays, that can be tough. tom foreman explains the way many are beating the odds in today's "building up america." >> reporter: at johns hopkins
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university professor roger pang was hoping for a few extra students in his statistics course, so he signed up for a new program to put his lectures online. >> i was expecting, you know, maybe a few thousand tops. >> reporter: what did you get? >> well, in the end i had 54,000 students enrolled, and about -- >> reporter: 54,000 students are in your course? >> that's right. >> reporter: such is the rapidly exploding power of online learning, an old concept that is being newly embraced by dozens of the nation's top schools which want to reach more students, expand their influence, and enhance their worldwide reputations at very little cost. >> basically if else -- >> reporter: they're all offering classes online for free through companies like corsara and the nonprofit edx, a joint venture of m.i.t. and harvard, and the response is astonishing. >> we had 10,000 students sign up in the first few hours that we opened enrollment and this was at midnight u.s. time and then the numbers went all the
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way up to 155,000 in a short amount of time. it was completely insane. >> reporter: students are connecting from all over the world for all sorts of reasons. in chicago dawn smith wanted to improve her job skills with a free course in pharmacology from the university of pennsylvania. she loved the convenience, the quality and the cost. >> about another 19 years of payments on my master's degree, so i didn't necessarily want to add to the cost of that, which was a big factor. >> reporter: some educators point out that the immersive experience of attending a college can hardly be replicated by logging on to a laptop and that contact with professors is hugely limited online. but even critics admit this trend could open up education to hundreds of millions of people. >> i've already taught more students than i ever could have hoped to teach, you know, in my entire career. >> reporter: and there is still a lot to learn. tom foreman, cnn, baltimore. i'm